
2023-06-09 13:50:32

1. 人称代词( Personal Pronouns ) we , I , you , they, us, me, etc.
2. 物主代词( Possessive Pronouns ) our, my ,your, their, his, her, etc.
3. 反身代词(Reflective Pronouns) ourselves, myself, yourselves, yourself , herself , etc.
4. 相互代词( Reciprocal Pronouns ) each other ,one another , etc.
5. 指示代词( Demonstrative Pronouns ) this , that , these , those , such , etc.
6. 疑问代词( Interrogative Pronouns ) what, when, who, where, whose, etc. 
7. 关系代词( Relative Pronouns) what, when, who, where, whose , etc. 
8. 不定代词( Indefinite Pronouns ) any , some ,every , many , much , a little , etc. 
this/these一般用来指时间和 空间上较近的人或物;that/those 常指时间和空间上较远的人或物。

进行比较时,that可代替不可数名词或单数名词以避免重复;those 可代替复数名词以免重复。


关系代词是一种引导从句并起连接主句和从句作用的代词.关系代词有 who, whose, whom, that, which. 它们在句中可用作主语,表语,宾语,定语. 在主句中,它们还代表着从句所修饰的那个名词或代词.
The prisoner killed himself by taking poison. 犯人服毒自杀了。
He finished the work by himself. 他独自完成了那件工作。
反身代词在句子中也可作同位语,用来加强名词或代词的语气,强调某人 亲自、
本人;这时它可能在名词、代词之后, 也可能在句子末尾。例:
The students will clean the classroom themselves. 学生们将自己打扫教室。
I myself heard him say it . 我亲耳听他说的。
each other ,one another.前者通常指两者之间的“相互”,后者侧重三者或三者以上的“相互”,也可指两者之间的“相互”。

Building Trust in a Relationship Again
Trust is a learned behavior that we gain from past experiences, 36 .Trust is a risk. But you can’t be successful when there’s a lack of trust in a relationship that results from an action where the wrongdoer takes no responsibility to fix the mistake.
Unfortunately, we’ve all been victims of betrayal. Whether we’ve been stolen from, lied to , misled, or cheated on, there are different levels of losing trust. Sometimes people simply can’t trust anymore, 37.  It’s understandable, but if you’re willing to build trust in a relationship again, we have some steps you can take to get you there.
38  having confidence in yourself will help you make better choices because you can see what the best outcome would be for your well-being.
39  If you’ve been betrayed, you are the victim of your circumstance. But there’s a difference between being a victim and living with a “victim mentality”. At some point in all of our lives, we’ll have our trust tested or violated.
You didn’t lose “everything”. Once trust is lost, what is left? Instead of looking at the situation from this hopeless angle, look at everything you still have and be thankful for all of the good in your life. 40 instead, it’s a healthy way to work through the experience to allow room for positive growth and forgiveness.
A. Learn to really trust yourself.
B. It is putting confidence in someone.
C. Stop regarding yourself as the victim.
D. Remember that you can expect the best in return.
E. They’ve been too badly hurt and they can’t bear to let it happen again.
F. This knowledge carries over in their attitude toward their future relationships.
G. Seeing the positive side of things doesn’t mean you’re ignoring what happened.





